Captain's Mess - Part 3
Posted on Sat Jan 25th, 2025 @ 3:37pm by Captain Daegan Baas & Ensign Garath Of the House of Varal [Baas] & Petty Officer 2nd Class Sizia Sh'velihr [Baas] & Lieutenant Commander Ridge Maguire & Lieutenant Liam O'Riley & Lieutenant Morloth & Lieutenant Urushi Yaotome & Lieutenant Erin Cussen & Ensign J'Haz Sasha & Lieutenant Daniel Graham Dr & Ensign Stevie Thomas [O'Riley] & Chief Petty Officer Elena Graham (PhD) Dr & Julianna Raihan-Baas
Edited on on Sat Jan 25th, 2025 @ 3:37pm
2,547 words; about a 13 minute read
A New Beginning
Location: Valhalla Lounge
Timeline: Evening
"Crewman Mays," Ridge said quietly. Not a polite sort of quiet, more contained than that. "Find your manners or you'll be cleaning plasma conduits for the foreseeable. Are we clear?"
Vince knew the only reason he wasn't going to the brig was the gathering of appreciation thrown by the CO. Looking at the XO "Crystal clear Sir" he replied. After the XO walked away Vince turned to his comrade "Let's get out of here before I do anything else stupid." His friend gave a nod then they both left with Vince wanting to go off some where and lick his wounds.
[Ensins Table cont.]
Garath chuckled at the two as they retreated. He made a mental note to keep an eye on them in case they tried to cause problems in the future.
Sasha's gaze had lingered on the first officer's response to the inappropriate young man. His ears had not escaped her attention. She returned her attention to her compatriots at the table. "Truly it must be a great disadvantage to be so attractive, Stevie. I can only imagine that if you're getting this kind of response on board a federation starship, you must really be challenged in a more unrestricted environment. Do you require an escort during such a unguarded venture?"
"Thank you for the nice compliment Sasha" Stevie replied with a smile "But no I don't require an escort. Between my wit and sarcasm I'm able to fend off creeps like that" as she paused "And when all else fails I am quite capable of taking care of myself in those types of situations."
Garath grinned. "A brave boast. We shall have to see. One never knows what he will encounter here or out where ever we may end up. We could find ourselves in all kinds of situations."
Stevie gave a smirk along with just a pinch of sarcasm "Garath, never underestimate a women when her back is up against the wall; figuratively speaking of course."
[Lounge Entrance]
A tall, peculiar-looking man entered the lounge as the doors whisked closed behind him. Long, bright green hair ran along his shoulders and back. A well-trimmed goatee hung from his chin, matching his verdant hair and thick brows. Prominent Klingon ridges gave his forehead a shell-like appearance. Dark brown skin was mottled with olive green patches. Pale eyes scanned the room as he head towards the counter. A closer look at them would show a red outer ring that faded from a gold center to a green inner border along the central pupils.
'Finally, some time to relax', the Orion/Klingon hybrid thought to himself. His black and gold baldric rest over his left shoulder. He wore grey pants and a diamond-print matching shirt that clung to his large chest, back and arms.
"One Orion sunset, madam", said Lt. Morloth, Chief of Security. A sharp-toothed grin and lowered eyelids met the bartender. She returned a smile and quickly moved to ready the drink. She was somewhat surprised by the green Klingons apparently good manners.
He nodded to her as he took the drink before taking a big swig. The bartender quickly moved to serve a Bolian wearing a red jumpsuit.
The Captain had managed to make his way to the upper level of the lounge where he was back dropped by the windows, looking out over the space dock massing bay. He scanned the crowd a shallow grin over his normally stoic features. Move people were arriving and he was please to see others, having head some of the conversation, leaving to relieve those on duty so they could attend.
He picked up a utensil on the table next to him he lifted his glass and began tapping it, letting the ringing get everyone's attention. As the conversation died and faces turned towards him he stood there silently for a moment. "Thank you all. Excuse the interruption and I will keep this brief so you can all get back to the party. For those that may have missed my initial address when I first took command; I told the crew and dock personnel that I expected your best. Well you have all certainly done that as we are ahead of schedule with our departure prep. Well done all."
Setting his glass down he applauded those assembled.
"This is just a small token of my appreciation, so enjoy yourselves." Lifting his glass. "To the crew of the Valkyrie."
Sasha had turned her full attention to the captain at the top of the steps with the panoramic windows displaying the glory of the Galaxy behind him. His brief statement of appreciation to his new crew emboldened her. She spoke loud enough to be heard over the murmur. "...and to her captain who guides us towards wonders untold!"
Garath glance at Stevie even as he lift his drink at the toast. He kept his tone lowered so just those at their table could hear, "Someone's bucking for a promotion."
Sasha looked back to the others with a mix of excitement and open curiosity on her face.
" Does that work?!"
After the toast had finished Stevie grinned at Garath as she commented in a low voice "Now that was funny. A Klingon with a sense of humor; most refreshing" she commented.
Morloth fought the urge to chuckle at Garath's comment after arriving near the table, brightly colored cocktail in hand. A mix of Orion and Klingon features within his ear canal helped him hear low sounds well. "And to the Valkyrie herself, a fine ship!" Morloth could be described as having a Klingon voice with an Orion accent. It was deep and somewhat gravelly, but also haughty and articulate.
Sizia popped another hors d'oeuvre after the Captain's address and taking a small plate she headed out. She had had her full of the festivities and made her way to the science labs to see if she could relieve someone .
Nodding to the Ensign he gestured to the Ensign with his glass. As he did an unmistakable patch of green was approaching. He had spoken to the Klingon/Orion hybrid over communications channels as he his ship had still been enroute to Jupiter Station while he had interviewed other security officer for the ship security chiefs position. Walking over to meet him he extended his hand. "AH Lieutenant Morloth you made it. Excellent."
Morloth's eyes widened as he recognized the voice. "Sir, thank you for the welcome. It is an honor to be here for the Valkyrie's maiden voyage. How is the night treating you?" A dark hand, complexion mixed between brown and olive patches, lifted the colorful glass for a sip.
"Well this night is for the crew not for me, but well enough. A lot of new faces to be sure. But don't let me keep you. Enjoy the food meet your some of the some the crew. We can do any formal check in's tomorrow." Making eye contact with Ridge, he waved him over.
"I did notice they had slug wing rolls", Morloth said excitedly. "One or two does sound tempting." The d'oeuvres featured snack treats from around the alpha and beta quadrants. Alongside baked human delicacies were Andorian salt bread and the Orion delicacy Morloth spotted. "I shall visit your office tomorrow to properly report for duty, Captain. Until then, I am sure you shall see me around tonight.
Morloth turned to Ridge as he arrived. Colorful irises sparkled in the light, eyes fading from red borders to gold into an almost florescent green ring surrounding each pupil. "May the night treat you both well. What is on the agenda for this evening?" The hybrid's manner of speaking was gruff and formal like most Klingons. He had a higher pitched, smooth quality to his voice.
Daegan nodded. "Thank you. There aren't any official events planned, just a general gathering to allow the crew to mingle, basically an old school crew mixer, and to show my appreciation for all their work in getting the ship ready to depart."
"Ah, I see. Then in that case... I shall mingle." Morloth grinned, upper lip tight as he fought the urge to laugh at his own quip. "Your gratitude is appreciated. I hope to become a trusted ally as we forge this shared path through space." Bright, expressive eyes turned to Ridge. "Guess I'd best meet the crew, eh?" The large man closed his eyes and bowed his head.
"My hope as well," Ridge said as he nodded slightly in return. "Have a good time."
"What do I hear about mingle?" Erin said as she stepped a buy closer. "Gosh you are interesting looking" she said she looked the security chief up and down. "Klingon Orion, you have got to get to sick bay so I can get a good look at that physiology of your," Erin continued. "Oh, by the way, hello, Erin Cussen, ship's doc." she ended with a grin.
"Nice to meet you, Doctor Cussen", Morloth said in a rich, articulate voice. Their eyes locked as they spoke. Erin's green eyes reminded Morloth of an Orion. Her fair skin and dark hair looked alien, yet extremely exotic. "I look forward to your... experiments." There was a playful tone in his words, as if something was unsaid. Klingons were not known for utilizing Sickbay, yet Morloth made note to stop by. Frequently. His cheeks blushed, causing a viridescent complexion to creep out from underneath the brown. "Surely you have more interesting specimens, than a simple man from Laxala." A big smile crept across his face as he spoke, eyelids closing warmly.
Erin laughed returning his gaze without flinching. "Oh, such modesty," she said with mock admiration. "But I am quite sure you will prove to be most intriguing," she said as if it were a compliment. "Well, it was nice to meet you, Interesting One, I am looking forward to seeing you for some 'experiments'," she added, with a wide smile.
Morloth tried not to laugh at the woman's playful banter. He couldn't help but to chuckle before speaking, fighting to contain his expanding smile. "It's been great meeting you, doctor." The hybrid was extremely curious about the people he'd be serving with. He had always wanted to learn more about humans. Earth had so much variety and so many cultures. It was something he always wanted to explore.
Urushi quietly watched from across the room. She had 'acquired' Some of the Lida sticks from her home planet of Trill. Lida was a fruit grown on Trill and was known for its juicy and sweet flavour. These Lida had been cut into sticks and placed on wooden sticks and covered in a sticky coating made from the sap. The nearest equivalent in Human terms would be a "Toffee apple".
The Science officer was more than happy observing the new arrival from a distance as she muched on the Trill snack. She did have her own thoughts though, she had never seen a Klingon/Orion hybrid before. However he seemed far too scary and intimidating for a fragile tiny Trill like herself to go and start poking personal questions.
"Well until that visit, tell me. You are a doctor, and therefore give great advice...What are some fun things to do around the ship?" Morloth looked around to the others. "And how does everyone like to spend their free time?"
Morloth's eyes momentarily met Urushi's as he turned, lips turned upwards. He quickly bowed his head in Klingon custom, eyes closing until his neck straightened out. His social nature couldn't help but try to drag her into the group.
Urushi returned the nod politely to the green Klingon.
"You are asking me? I was going to ask the Security Chief ," Erin quipped wth raised eyebrows and a grin. "I guess we will have to create our own fun. I am boring, I run or swim or cycle most days and dance the rest," she said with the corners of her mouth pulled down. But I am open for other suggestions for fun," she added.
A quick, restrained rumble of laughter escaped at her joke. "Running is always good for the soul. My Orion relatives were always more into running than my Klingon ones", Morloth said, eyes zooming out from their shared gaze to study Erin's facial features. "Challenging runs don't always feel good, but it's such a nice rush afterwards. Dancing... Now THAT is a challenge." Morloth always felt slightly clumsy when dancing. He still loved to try.
"I've wanted to learn more about alien rhythm and movement." Morloth turned to the crowd. "A shared dance is like a duel. But more collaborative. An expression shared by moving together." His curiosity towards the doctor couldn't help but grow. "I enjoy a good holonovel. Exploring arboretums and new planets for xeno-plant life. Alien sports are always fun, like Andorian Kochek or Earth games. But I really just like spending time with good people."
Morloth's gaze moved from Erin to each of the others around him. "It looks like I'm in the right place", he added. "What styles of dance do you practice?"
"Traditional Irish and some ballet," Erin said, but then pictured the huge man dancing those styles. She giggled which turned into more until she could hardly control it. Eventually she managed to speak some words in between fits of laughter. "I am sorry, my imagination ran away with me for a moment," she explained. And I haven't laughed like that since .... Trento and Alya died she reflected astonished that she could for the first time think about them without that immense pang of pain. As a result a smile, fully reaching her eyes form on her lips. "I agree Morloth, spending time with good people is my favourite passtime, relardless of what we do," she said.
Morloth wore a wide grin, copper blush tinting his cheeks. "I look forward to our shared voyage. Good times with great people are ahead." He scratched his chin as he looked over those gathered together. "And by the way.. I shall endeavor to learn at least a few of those dance moves...." He didn't realize what he committed to as another burst of laughter rumbled from within.
"I will be waiting to hear from you", Erin said with a grin.
Daegan looked out over the room and the people as they talked, laughed, ate and drank. Near the windows a group of Ensigns had gathered and recalled when he had sat at a similar gathering at his first assignment. He scanned the area once again and found the brunette he was looking for and made his way towards her joining the conversation. Tomorrow would be business as usual but for now everyone could relax and enjoy the evening.
Captain Daegan Baas
Lieutenant Commander Ridge Maguire
Lieutenant Morloth
Lieutenant Urushi Yaotome
Lt Erin Cussen
Lieutenant Daniel Graham Dr
Chief Counselor
Chief Petty Officer Elena Graham (PhD) Dr
Lieutenant Liam O'Riley
Ensign Stevie Thomas [O'Riley]
Computer Systems Specialist
Crewman Vince Mays [written by O'Riley]
Julianna Raihan-Baas
Ensign J'Haz Sasha
Science Officer
Ensign Garath
Security Officer
NPC player by Baas
Petty Officer Sizia Sh'velihr
Yeoman / Sci trainee
NPC player by Baas