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Posted on Tue Jan 28th, 2025 @ 11:45am by Captain Daegan Baas & Petty Officer 2nd Class Sizia Sh'velihr [Baas] & Lieutenant Commander Ridge Maguire & Lieutenant Liam O'Riley & Lieutenant Morloth & Lieutenant Urushi Yaotome & Lieutenant Daniel Graham Dr
Edited on on Tue Jan 28th, 2025 @ 12:01pm

2,207 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: A New Beginning
Location: Bridge
Timeline: Departure Prep

Final preparations where almost complete, and while the ship had already been through her trial runs the crew still needed to get to know the ship and the various systems, its combined tactile and holographic interfaces, back ups, etc..

Captain Baas was with their new security chief. Having gotten his start as a security and tactical officer that was where his primary interests were.

"How do things compare to your last assignment?"

The Klingon/Orion hybrid's facial features spread into a smile. "The difference is night and day. The USS Do'htal is an old Nebula-class ship. She is a remnant of times past. There were no holographic interfaces, or updated system. But she packed a punch."

The Lieutenant stroked his goatee, neatly trimmed at the base to form a W shape under his lips. "Now the Valkyrie... She is sleek, modern. It may take some getting used to Captain", said Morloth with a half-smile. "Adapting will be my pleasure. I look forward to the day, where we witness the power of this vessel... And use its power for good."

The hybrid looked around to nearby crew, long green hair cascading down his back.

Daegan nodded in agreement as he spoke and smirked at his last. Clapping a hand on his shoulder lowering his tone as he began to move off, "Good catch."

Lieutenant O'Riley sat at the engineering station on the bridge going over all ship's systems making sure everything was as it should be before they departed from Utopia Planitia. Normally Liam preferred to stay in main engineering but decided he could do all the systems checks from here until he got a handle on command and their expectations in regards to himself being on the bridge.

Daegan had continued he wandering, looked up to the engineer from the lower level of the bridge. "Everything coming along Mr. O'Riley?"

Hearing the Captain's voice Liam turned "Yes Captain, everything is coming alone nicely" he replied realizing they hadn't spoken since his interview.

"Captain, there is a call coming in from Starfleet security."

Daegan wrinkled his brow curiously as he wondered what this could be about, but acknowledged the update from operations. "Let's see what they want, on screen."

The viewscreen shifted from the view of the dock to that of the officer on the other end. == Commander Griffith, Starfleet Security. ==

"What can I do for you Commander?"

== I know you must be busy sir, but I need to speak with Petty Officer Sh'velihr. ==

The Captain and the rest bridge crew all glanced in Sizia's direction, but Daegan turned to the Ops station, "Transfer this to my Ready-room." Daegan gestured to Sizia and Maguire as they moved to the ready room.

Ridge followed the pair into the Captain's Ready Room, curious as to what could be going on.

Morloth turned from the viewscreen to watch the Captain leave towards his Ready Room. He recognized the Security Officer speaking. Morloth wondered if this related to a security matter he should be aware of. He turned back towards Commander Griffith, as if silently studying him for any cues.

Urushi couldn't help but wonder what this was about, especially since the Petty Officer was in her department.

[Ready Room]

The desks holo-monitor activated as the call was transferred, and Daegan wasted no time. "What's this about Commander?"

== The USS Saratoga, reported an officer over due. Earth Space dock records shows that she had beamed down to a Jamaican resort where the Petty Officer was staying."

Sizia step forward her face distorted with concern, "Lauren's...Lieutenant L'Vor is missing?! Have you found anything!?"

Commander Griffith focused on the enlisted Andorian. == So you admit see her at the resort? ==

"OF CCOURSE...I have nothing to hide. She told me she had some spare time before she had to report, had discovered that I was in the area and beamed down. We talked about our assignments, my training.... she had mentored me while we were both on the USS Phoenix. She said she was proud that I was stick with them ... We talked, had several drinks, and returned to my room. It was late so I offered that she stay and that we could have breakfast before I had to leave, but she said she had something to take care of and had to leave. I did show her my suite.... I should have made her stay...."

Daegan looked to Ridge as he moved to put a sympathetic hand on his Yeoman's shoulder, whispering, "let's get Dr. Graham up here."

Ridge stepped away, speaking quietly, as he said, "Dr. Graham, report to the Captain's Ready Room please. Bridge out."

Daniel made his way to the CO's ready room as soon as he was summoned. "You were looking for me, Captain," he said once he was admitted. The expressions of those already there informed him that this was serious. "How can I help?"

Seeing that the Commander was about to continue Daegan gestured. "One moment Commander. Counselor, please take the Petty Officer into the Observation Lounge. We will join you shortly."

Daniel nodded to the Captain and then flashed an encouraging smile to Sizia as he gently guided her out, glancing briefly back to the two men remaining behind.

Her antennae drooped Sizia started walking slowly across the ready room to the partition separating it from the ready room.

Once the partition was closed. "Please continue Commander."

== Captain, the limited surveillance at the resort shows the Lieutenant's arrival, her interaction on the resorts patio with Petty Officer Sh'velihr and the two of them leaving together. Unfortunately there is nothing showing her leaving the building and no record of her beaming out by Federation or public transport. ==

"Is my Yeoman a suspect?"

== No sir. Her statement confirmed our scans of her accommodations and the surveillance footage. There were a few non-Federation transports and we are looking into those. However I will need to conduct additional questioning as to Lieutenant L'Vor's state of mind, mannerisms, or comments. We know there was an objection to her upcoming assignment. She might have just deserted. ==

Daegan looked to Ridge, for what he thought on that theory.

"A non-Federation, site-to-site transport," Ridge said quietly, "is not something one does casually, Sir. Sounds like something that was prearranged. Maybe a good idea to find out if Lieutenant L'Vor left anything behind ... or took something with her."

"Agreed but there are more than just Federation ships visiting Earth." Turning back to the holo-monitor, "Commander I will see that Petty Officer is interviewed and have that sent to before we depart."

== Thank you Captain. Starfleet out. ==

Turning as the display faded, he sat on the edge of his desk with a glance towards the observation lounge. "I have the MIA situations the most, with a death at least there's some kind of closure." Coming up off the desk, "Lieutenant Yaotome also served with Sizia and L'Vor on the Phoenix, have her and Lt. Morloth join me in the Observation Lounge."

"Aye Sir," Ridge said. Since they were both the Bridge at the moment, he left the Ready Room. "Lieutenants Yaotome and Morloth, find someone to man your duty station and report to the Observation Lounge." Since the captain had not asked him to join them, he remained where he was on the Bridge, keeping watch.

"Aye sir", Morloth replied. He tapped his commbadge. "Ensign Waters, report to the bridge to cover down." The junior security officer was posted nearby as extra security. It only took him a few minutes to arrive.

[Observation Lounge]

While waiting for the others to join them, Daniel took the opportunity to try to put the young woman at ease. "This seems to be a troubling situation. How are you feeling?" he asked

Sizia looked up, "Feeling? Worried, mentor, my friend is missing... I just saw her the night before reporting here... How does someone go missing on Earth of all places?" Bolting up from the couch she stormed towards the windows. "I should have insisted that she stay, or I could have at least seen her off!" Spinning back around, "who would want to do anything to her... whyy..."

"From my experience, regardless of the situation, they will be looking for more information and to verify what they already know. When you do answer any questions they may ask, answer the questions as detailed as you can, okay?" Dan said encouragingly.

Composing herself, she nodded, "Yes sir."

Dan went to stand next to her. "It seems that you think you could have controlled the outcome, by having done something different. Was there anything that indicated that she might disappear, or be in trouble?" he asked gently.

Sizia shook her head. "Noooo. She wasn't looking forward to her new assignment but she was ready to report while working on getting an exploratory assignment."

[Ready room]

Daegan could see his Yeoman pacing on the other side of the partition. He should have opaqued the observation lounge to give her some privacy but that was passed. As he waited for the others he moved to his replicator to get her a glass of water.

As soon as Urushi entered she was hit by a wall of emotion. She could sense it hanging in the air like heavy fog. It was quite clear that something had gone wrong. "So..." she said as she made her way over to the table. "What's going on?"

Morloth entered right as Urushi asked the question. He took a seat, ears tuned into the Captain for his reply.

With both of them there Daegan took a deep breath. "Lt. Yaotome, I'm afraid I have some bad news. Your former shipmate Lieutenant L'Vor has gone missing. Petty Officer Sh'velhr is in the observation lounge with the counselor. Seems they both ran into each other Sizia reported aboard."

Motioning to the partition between the ready room and the lounge, handing the glass of water to his science officer. "That's for her, and she is understandably upset."

"I'll run that through to her," Urushi said as she took the glass of water. She had known the Petty Officer the longest from their previous assignment.

Waving Morloth over as the partition closed once again. "Lieutenant, Starfleet security wants to know if she may have told Petty Officer Sh'velhr anything that might indicate intentions. They didn't come right out and say it but sound like they are wanting to know if she deserted. Once the shock has subsided conduct an interview and let me know what you find. She's not a suspect in the disappearance, but she was the last one see her."

"Understood", the hybrid replied. "I shall question her to learn about her last moments with her. Maybe there is some information to garner." Morloth didn't want to jump to conclusions. Starfleet was wondering if she deserted, but Morloth questioned what made them think that. He wondered if any evidence of her traveling covertly was found. "Hopefully we can find her, and she is okay. What were her last known whereabouts? Was she working on any dangerous projects? Did anyone have a grudge against her? I find it hard to assume the Petty Officer was involved, just because she was with her last." He paused for a moment in thought. "But I will get to the bottom of this."

"Starfleet doesn't consider her a suspect, but I get the feeling they want to take they wanna classify the disappearance as desertion. No apparent evidence of foul play, but there doesn't seem to be anything either way. All they know thus far is that they met on Earth while one was on leave before and the other while enroute to their respective assignments. Sizia reported here and the Lieutenant never made it to hers. Records show her beaming down to Sizia's location, a resort on Jamaica, but never leaving. Both Sizia and Lt. Urushi served with her so question both would probably provide a more complete picture. Let me know what you find out."

Morloth scratched his chin as he listened intently. There was so much more he wanted to find out. "I'll ask the Lieutenant if she seemed like the desertion type, sir. Part of me really wants to see this resort... Ask some questions. Maybe I'll send some officers to investigate. Surely Starfleet has done so, but it'd be prudent to get our own eyes on the scene. We'll look into this thoroughly, Captain."

He admired Morloth's desire to be thorough but in this case that work should have already been done. "Your desire to be thorough is admirable but that would be a duplication of effort. According to the Griffith, Starfleet Security has already been over the resort, all we can do is help the investigation by providing them with what we can. Check with the counselor, and set up time to get their statements."

Glancing over towards the observation lounge, "For now though let's let the Counselor deal with any issues while we get back to getting this ship ready for launch."

Captain Daegan Baas

Petty Officer Sizia Sh'velihr
Yeoman / Sci
NPC played by Baas

Lieutenant Liam O'Riley

Lieutenant Commander Ridge Maguire

Lieutenant Morloth

Lieutenant Urushi Yaotome

Lieutenant Daniel Graham Dr


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