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Questionable Process

Posted on Wed Jan 29th, 2025 @ 10:34am by Lieutenant Liam O'Riley & Ensign Stevie Thomas [O'Riley]

1,056 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Below Decks
Location: Deck 11 Main Engineering
Timeline: Current

Ensign Thomas walked into engineering when she noticed the Chief directing his team in between working at the Chief's station. Stevie couldn't remember the last time she had worked for a Chief who seemed to have such a genuine interest in the people under his command; regardless of their rank.

Sitting at the specialists station, Stevie logged in ready to do some low level computer maintenance. Even though this was a brand new system, she was a stickler for keeping current with the rotating maintenance schedule set by Star Fleet. Her philosophy was 'better to waste the time checking the computer than not taking the time now and have it bite her in the backside later on down the road' ;besides it was an easy task then she could log it as completed making herself appear to be on top of things which she prided herself in.

As soon as her station came online, Stevie was greeted by a message she was surprised to see given this being a new ship 'Operating system upgrade required' the message read. Sitting back in her chair Stevie for the life of her couldn't rationalize the need for an upgrade already.

First things first "Computer verify the authenticity of the upgrade certificate, clearance alpha-omega-3-8-delta" came the request.

"Computer upgrade certificate verified, as authentic Star Fleet" was the response.

Stevie sat back in her chair drumming her fingers on the end of the massive touch screen keyboard still not thoroughly convinced Star Fleet would issue an upgrade so soon given the ship's age.

After a few minutes of thought she knew there was one way to know for sure. Tapping her comms "Communications, Ensign Thomas Computer Systems Specialist, contact Star Fleet Computer System's Center. I need to speak to Commander Zebulan Cartwright and patch it through to my console in main engineering please" Stevie requested going straight to the source for answers.

"It'll take a few minutes to make the connection then I'll patch it through for you" the officer replied.

A few minutes later a familiar face appeared on her screen "Ensign Stevie Thomas, you look as gorgeous as ever. So where are you at these days; you still on the Dakota" Cartwright inquired with a smile.

Stevie smiled at her old friend and mentor from her academy days "Chief Zeb, are you flirting with me" she inquired with a chuckle "No luckily, I've been assigned to the Valkyrie.....vesta class so I'm out of that nightmare."

Zeb laughed "Darlin at my age flirting's all I have left" he replied with a southern drawl "So you're on a vesta class, very impressive I must say. But I see you're still an Ensign."

"Yes for now at least. It's tough to be taken seriously with my looks but I hope that's about to change soon" Stevie replied hopeful with this new assignment.

Letting out a brief sigh "Yes, I'm sure it is since I almost made the same mistake myself years ago but thankfully I was able to look past all that and see your real potential." Zeb responded "Probably one of the smartest things I've done. So tell me...any new guy prospects aboard your new ship" as he grinned wondering if she'd answer him or not.

Stevie grinned " new Chief looks interesting" she replied in a low voice so no one would over hear her "But that still remains to be seen."

"Why am I not were always one to color outside the lines" he commented with a grin "So what can I help you with; I'm sure you didn't contact me just for a trip down memory lane."

"Actually I have a question Chief Zeb" that's what she always called him "I received a notification this morning on the computer concerning an OS upgrade. I verified it's authenticity and according to the computer the certificate verified as Star Fleet" then she paused a moment "But I couldn't rationalize the upgrade for such a new system and that's why I contacted you."

Thinking for a moment "Let me check, hold on" a few minutes later "No we haven't issued any upgrades or patches for awhile now and I assume you didn't let the computer install it then."

"No I didn't and that's why I called you just to verify if it was authentic or not" Stevie replied wondering what was going on.

Letting out a long sigh "Looks like we may have a real problem on our hands" then Zeb paused "I'll issue an top priority message to all Chief engineers immediately telling them not to let the computer install the update.....who knows what'll happen otherwise. I better get on this right away.....thanks for the heads up're one of the best. Commander Cartwright out" then the screen went back to what she had previously been working on.

Stevie then went and signed in as administrator searching for the offending message "There you are" she commented as she deleted all traces of the message just to be on the safe side. Now it would be up to Commander Cartwright to get things in order on his end.

Chief O'Riley was at his station when the top priority message came in from Star Fleet. Reading the message over "Crap!" as he hustled over to the Specialists station "Ensign I just received a high priority message from Star Fleet Computer Systems Center concerning a recent update received and not to let the computer install it; please tell me you haven't installed it yet" Liam inquired nervous about what the outcome could be.

Ensign Thomas grinned "Relax Chief and no It won't be installed either. I'm the one who contacted Star Fleet and alerted them to a possible certificate verification issue" she replied curious how Liam would react.

O'Riley looked at his Ensign a moment "Very impressive Ensign Thomas, I must say."

Stevie grinned quite pleased with herself "You know Chief, this just proves I'm more than another pretty face" she replied.

"Yes it certainly does" O'Riley responded knowing for sure now she was as intelligent as she was good looking. He would definitely never underestimate her in the future.

Lieutenant Liam O'Riley

Ensign Stevie Thomas [O'Riley]
Computer Systems Specialist

Commander Zebulan Cartwright [NPC played by O'Riley]


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