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Clear All Moorings - Part 2

Posted on Fri Jan 31st, 2025 @ 6:16pm by Captain Daegan Baas & Ensign Garath Of the House of Varal [Baas] & Lieutenant Commander Ridge Maguire & Lieutenant Liam O'Riley & Lieutenant Morloth & Lieutenant Urushi Yaotome & Lieutenant Erin Cussen & Ensign J'Haz Sasha & Ensign Stevie Thomas [O'Riley] & Ensign Nayeliz Smythe
Edited on on Fri Jan 31st, 2025 @ 6:17pm

1,217 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A New Beginning
Location: USS Valkyrie

"Certainly, anytime but I probably should clear it through my chief first.....and by the way please call me Stevie" she replied with a smile getting to know some of the other ladies on the ship.

"You can all call me Naya, or whatever's cool really..", Ensign Luna Smythe continued with a giggle. She turned to Sasha. "And you, Miss? Science, huh? There are always cute specimens aren't there? There's goo that sings and plants that change color. Are you working on anything fun yet? Or do you not focus on biology?"

Sasha contemplated the new arrival's query. "I have a number of sub-specialties beyond xenobiology. There's Astrometics... Temporal Mechanics...that's one of my favorites....high energy physics...oh I'm looking to expand my breath of knowledge of cybernetics and cetacean studies. I must be on a c topic focus right now. What about yourself?

"Those subjects are all so intricate", Nayeliz said with admiration. "I started at the Academy as an Engineering Major. I couldn't pass Thermal Dynamics, so I switched majors to Ops. My focus is damage control. Right now, I'm assigned to General Maintenance though. I spend most of my time working on sensors. These ships have so many of them. I just earned my bridge officer qualifications, so I'm sure I'll get up there some day. Have any of you taken a look around the ship and found any cool places to eat or spend time?"

Sasha gave the young woman a warm smile. She appreciated her excitement and candor. "I enjoy spending time exploring the ship. You could go to a new place every day and not see the whole thing for a year. It's like a vast organism, complicated in full of wonder.... Not to mention a sizable crew from any number of planets and backgrounds. That's what I enjoy most about learning. The more you discover, the more questions you have. It's a never-ending challenge, but one well worth the effort."

"Learning is a lifelong process. That's something I figured out. Even beyond Starfleet stuff." Nayeliz wore form fitting black pants made of a slink material with a black and red striped top cut just under her collarbone. Red suede heeled boots and a small bag completed her outfit. The colors seemed to make her eyes appear more ruddy, large chestnut irises searching those of her new friends.

Sasha's Vulcan eyebrow Rose with curiosity. "If you're ever interested in revisiting your issues with thermal dynamics, I'm certain there's somebody aboard who would be able to tutor you. After all, we're all part of the same crew. Your success is our success. And if we can't find somebody to volunteer, it would be my honor to assist you. "

Nayeliz took a step closer to Sasha, legs twisting as she turned. "I would love that!" Her facial features brightened excitedly. I could take courses between shifts... Earn my Engineering credentials." Her tone changed as she put more thought into what it would take. "It wouldn't be easy.. But.. You seem like you'd be an amazing teacher. I just need help passing the tests." She wanted to ask Sasha more about her background. She felt warmed by the Vulcan hybrid's smile. Naya hadn't shared an experience like that with other Vulcans before. "Let's do this", Nayeliz continued.

The blonde Vulcan didn't retreat from the effusive human from when Naya closed with her. Sasha found the young human intriguing.

Sasha bowed slightly, her hand over her sternum. "The honor is to serve. Allow a measure of time for the crew to establish a comfortable routine, then we can address your issues with all things thermal dynamics. Is that an acceptable plan of action, Naya?"

"Sounds like a great plan", Nayeliz said excitedly. "I'm looking forward to this."


Erin used the side panel on her seat to confirm what she already knew from the duty officer's report. "All systems green Commander, and all beds empty," she added. "Medical is ready."

Ridge did a last check and turned toward the captain, blue eyes gleaming with anticipation, "All departments report ready to depart, Sir."

With all sections reporting ready Daegan sat a back even further in his chair. He then reopened the ship wide channel so everyone could hear and share in the moment. “Helm. Clear all mooring, thrusters at station keeping.”

The Helm officer’s hands moved over the console. “Aye. Docking umbilical retracting. All mooring cleared. Thrusters at station keeping.”

“Captain, the Dock Master has cleared us for departure. Space Door 2 opening.”

From their docking position they couldn’t yet see the space doors but that would soon change. It was time. “Helm…Take out. One quarter impulse.”

The Impulse manifold on the aft of the saucer section and the aft edge of the warp nacelles glowed as power was applied and the ship moved out into the bay. Only a few moments passed and the helm officer spoke out, “Docking arm cleared sir.”

Now that they could maneuver they needed to get aligned with the doors. “Helm, starboard 30 degree. Adjust to port once we reach departure lane.”

“Aye Captain.”

The Valkyrie swung to the right along the center of the bay then arched to the left as they reached guide lane for their assigned set of space doors.

It wasn’t long before the Valkyrie was emerging from the dome and into open space above Mars. “Sir, we are clear and free to navigate.”


Garath had been listening to the conversation but his primary focus was on the other side of the windows and the commands from the Bridge that was coming through the ships comms. "Here we go..."


"Full impulse, bearing 118 mark 37." The Valkyrie swung to starboard as the ship cruised to the proper heading, leaving Mars behind them. Looking about the bridge there were expressions of anticipation on the faces he could see and he remembered his first time setting out into the unknown, bring a subtle grin to his face. “Well let’s see what she can do. “Helm. Set a course for Starbase 152. Warp 7.”

“Course set, warp 7. On your order sir.”


Morloth felt the hair on his neck stand on edge as the command was given. He fought the urge to sing and howl. He wasn't sure which one his body planned to do first. His eyes went wide, almost bulging as his heart raced. This wasn't just the start of one mission, but everything this starship and crew were set to experience for the next few years. He ran a finger along nearby railing to connect himself to the ship in this moment.

Closing the comm channel Daegan looked at the view screen as the stars streaked by. It was going to take some time to get the starbase and then another bit to get the sector where they would begin their explorations. Plenty of time to put the QSD drive to the test.

Captain Daegan Baas

Lieutenant Commander Ridge Maguire

Lieutenant Liam O'Riley

Lieutenant Morloth

Lieutenant Urushi Yaotome

Lieutenant Erin Cussen

Ensign J'Haz Sasha
Sci Officer

Ensign Garath Of the House of Varal
Sec Officer
NPC played by Baas

Ensign Stevie Thomas
Eng Officer
NPC Played by O'Riley

Ensign Nayeliz Smythe
Ops Officer
NPC played by Morloth


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