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Getting To Know You

Posted on Mon Jan 20th, 2025 @ 1:46pm by Ensign Stevie Thomas [O'Riley]
Edited on on Mon Jan 20th, 2025 @ 1:57pm

525 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: A New Beginning
Location: Deck 11 / Deck 7
Timeline: Current

Ensign Stevie Thomas walked into engineering at exactly zero eight hundred ready to become familiar with this new computer. On her way to the computer specialists station, Stevie glanced over seeing the Chief hard at work as he directed some of his team. Stevie smiled to herself remembering their conversations at dinner as she took her seat at her station.

Bringing the console online, Stevie started touching different colored buttons, since her panel was touch sensitive, bringing up the computer specs "Ok girlfriend lets say we get to know one another " she whispered to herself looking over the screen in front of her.

The primary computer core spanned decks seven, six, and five with the secondary core spanning decks thirteen, twelve. and eleven. Because the computer was life blood of the ship, the secondary core was setup to be redundant to the first should anything happen to the primary core; then the ship could still function until such time the primary core could be repaired.

Going over the specifications, Stevie was quite impressed with what she was seeing "Wow, this baby is an AC-16 Bio-Neural Super-Series (Designed for Sovereign), running LCARS 5.4 for the OS, has a storage capacity of 738 MegaQuads, and has a processing speed of 625,000 ExaFLOPS" she whispered to herself as a smile came across her face.

Grabbing the padd from her left thigh pocket, Stevie brought up the specs given her and made some adjustments as per the screen's information. Looking further into the specs, Stevie realized the ship was equipped with the latest Bio-neural gelpacks which would last longer and need to be replaced less often while being more efficient; this would make her duty life much easier. She also determined the isolinear chips, not only for the computer systems but throughout the entire ship, were a new type upgraded to be more efficient and had a longer shelf life than previous models.

Leaning back in her chair, Stevie was very pleased with what she was seeing with this new computer system and very excited about what it could accomplish for both the ship and her crew as she thought "You and I are going to become very good friends gorgeous."

After securing her station, Stevie left main engineering and grabbed a nearby lift "Deck 7" she requested. Moments later she exited the lift where level one of the primary computer core was located. After keying in her access code, she walked into the control room and was amazed at the banks of Bio-neural gel packs sitting there row after row along with the computer's iso-linear chips all stacked neatly on their ends in rows situated in their respective banks. Stevie just stood for a few moments thinking "This will definitely make my job a whole lot easier" as she lightly ran her hand over the chips. Hopefully the entire ship had their chips set up in the same fashion. Satisfied with what she saw, Stevie exited and secured the control room.

Stepping back into the lift "Deck 11 main engineering" she requested; now she would see if the Chief needed any help with anything.

Ensign Stevie Thomas [O'Riley]
Computer Systems Specialist
USS Valkyrie


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