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Getting To It

Posted on Sat Dec 28th, 2024 @ 2:39pm by Lieutenant Liam O'Riley

1,705 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: A New Beginning
Location: Quarters/Main Engineering
Timeline: Current

Lieutenant O’Riley woke from a sound sleep still on his couch from the previous night. Sitting up Liam rubbed the sleep from his eyes “Computer what’s the time” he inquired. “It is zero four hundred.”

Getting up he decided he may as well get to it as he made his way into the bathroom; there was a lot he wanted to accomplish today. After a shower and shave Liam dressed in a clean crisp uniform; after all first impressions were important and the Chief couldn’t look like a slob on his first day.

Exiting the bedroom/ bathroom area, Liam went straight for the replicator “Computer, mug, coffee, strong, black” came the request then moments later he took a long sip of his favorite morning beverage. Returning to the couch he sat and enjoyed his brew as he thought about the day ahead. First he would spend the morning going over all the personnel files then organize his crew filling key positions first. The afternoon he would meet and address his new crew; more of a team really which was what he wanted to convey.

After his coffee was finished, he saw to his cup then took a moment to tidy up a bit. Liam was one of those people who had a place for everything and everything needed to be in it’s place. Nothing irritated him more than a messy home.

Gabbing his padd off the desk, he placed it in his right thigh pocket which was the place it would always reside when on duty. Liam headed for the door and secured his quarters then headed for the nearest lift “Deck 11, Main Engineering.”

Exiting the lift O’Riley headed for his new office. Keying in his security code he entered as the lights automatically came on “Nice touch” he thought looking around this rather large office. Against the back wall was his desk and chair, complete with a work terminal with two chairs in front. To the right was a replicator.To the left a round table with a holo projector in the middle for information purposes with six chairs around the table.

Grabbing another cup of java, Liam sat then brought his terminal to life. Now he would start the arduous task of going over the personnel files of at least one hundred or so people who would comprise his new crew; or the way of his thinking, his new team.

First he set up three files; one for those with the most experience and higher rank, the second those with lesser experience and lower rank, and lastly those he felt were more or less just starting out in engineering. Also the file on the aquatic sat on the desktop by itself so Liam could study that one when everything else was setup.

After a couple of hours of going through files Liam started with file number one. This was the place he would pick his ACEO and the shift leads as well as the work team leaders. When the next hour had zipped by his key positions had been selected.

Now he would go to file number two and fill in the fifteen work groups adding three more people to make a total of four per group; a nice sized work detail. This went somewhat quicker than the previous task.

Lastly he started going through the final file, which housed the least experienced people who would be dispersed between alpha, beta, and gamma shifts. Thankfully this file had by far the least number of people compared to the other two files. These people would have the opportunity to learn and grow while having the benefit of a watchful eye and a source of information to draw from.

After nearly four hours of work Liam had things setup to his liking; at least for now barring any unforeseen circumstances which he was used to dealing with his previous assignments. Sitting back in his chair he thought “Ok….this looks pretty good…..we’ll go with this for now.”

Standing he stretched then twisted himself at the waist first one way then the other to counteract the fatigue from the last few hours “Computer, query: are all engineering personnel aboard the ship” he inquired. “Security clearance needed before query can be fulfilled” the computer replied. Letting out a slight sigh “Lieutenant, O’Riley, Liam, security code: zulu-2-4-tango-7” he replied. “Searching……all engineer personnel are aboard ship except for Ensign Stevie Thomas….expected arrival some time today. End of query.” “Only one more person to go and my team will be complete” Liam thought.

Realizing the time Liam tapped his comm “All engineering personnel please report to main engineering at thirteen hundred for a brief meeting, thank you.” This would give Liam an hour to grab something to eat since breakfast was only coffee.

Having finished his lunch in the officer’s mess, on deck 4, Liam left for main engineering to have a somewhat brief meeting with his staff.

Entering Lieutenant O’Riley noticed the area was filling up quickly. Walking up a few steps to an elevated platform, where the engineering stations resided, he cleared his throat then began.

“Could I have your attention please” he stated in a loud voice as the people became quiet and turned their attention towards this stranger “Good afternoon, I’m Lieutenant Liam O’Riley, the Chief Engineer, welcome. I’ll try and keep this brief as possible. Let me start by thanking all of you for being so prompt.”

“Now down to business. These are the people chosen for key positions:
ACMO: Lieutenant Sovak, Work Team #1 Lead: Lieutenant J.G. Marks, Team #2 Lead: Lieutenant Cho, Team #3 Lead: Lieutenant J.G. Tamaran ( then he continued naming the other twelve teams for a total of fifteen), Beta Shift Lead: Lieutenant Marcy Domas, and Gamma Shift Lead: Lieutenant Mark Banna. These positions will remain as they are for the time being. As for the remainder of you; lists are posted on my office door showing where you will be located in engineering and what of the three shifts you’ll be on as well as what your day off will be. All of this, of course, is subject to change as time goes on. Any question” he finally concluded with a smile.

One lieutenant raised his hand “Yes lieutenant, and please give me your name before asking.”

“Lieutenant Sovak. Chief what is your philosophy regarding engineering” he inquired in his usual Vulcan manner.

“Good question. We are a team…..from lieutenants right on down to crewman….I can’t do everything myself on this massive ship. Therefore everyone needs to work as a team to get the specific tasks accomplished and keep the Valkyrie running at peak performance” Liam explained then continued “Those of you who are leads get to know your staff and I would encourage you to spend some social time together be it something in a holo deck, in your quarters, or at one of the lounges for some time of drinks together. Any other questions” as Liam looked around the room and not seeing any takers.

“In that case, thank you all for your time. I would assume we’ll be shoving off before long so with that in mind starting tomorrow at zero eight hundred we will start manning engineering so get some rest” O’Riley stated “Lieutenant Sovak, if I could have a word” then looking at his new team “You are dismissed.”

Walking up to Liam “What is on your mind Lieutenant O’Riley” he inquired.

“Let’s go to my office there’s a couple of things I’d like to share” O’Riley commented as the two officers left main engineering.

Going in the office Liam sat at his desk with Sovak sitting on the other side “Something to drink Lieutenant” Liam inquired with a smile.

“Thank you no, I’m quite hydrated” he replied.

After going over all the personal files yours stood out and that’s why I wanted you as my assistant in engineering” the Chief explained.

“Logically I was your best choice. I will endeavor to do execute my duties to the best of my ability Chief” Sovak replied as he was accustomed to doing.

Liam grinned “Yes, I’m sure you will. We still are short one officer…..a Ensign” as he checked his padd “Stevie Thomas….she is our computer specialist” he explained “Also we are the first ship in Star Fleet history to have an aquatic Xindi aboard as our QSD engineer by the name of Ensign Konnibet S’ladaar;\ “Unfortunately though she can only exist in the liquid within the Catacean Ops on deck 12. We may have to get creative making her feel like part of the engineering team; but I do have a few ideas how we may accomplish that. I plan on paying the Ensign a visit tomorrow morning so I’ll know better after I’ve had a conversation with her” O’Riley concluded.

“Let me know Chief if I can be of assistance in that matter” Sovak commented before continuing “Query: when will engineering be turned over to us and when will be be departing from the shipyards.”

“Thank you Mr. Sovak for your willingness to step up and help solve a problem. We should have engineering turned over to us by tomorrow at zero eight hundred from what the Commander in charge has told me. As far as when we will leaving here; I’m sure Captain Baas will give us plenty of lead time so as to prepare for departure.”

“The fact that I mentioned offering my assistance is purely part of my duties. Thank you for answering my questions to the best of your information” he replied “If that is all Lieutenant I do have a couple of personal matters I would like to attend to.”

“Yes by all means Lieutenant….you’re dismissed” the Chief stated as Sovak rose and left his office. Liam had some more files to look over then is was time for supper…..maybe try out the new lounge on deck 12.

Lieutenant Liam O’Riley

Lieutenant Sovak (written by O’Riley)
USS Valkyrie


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